Jobs once said: "the difference between a leader and a follower lies in innovation." Topsflo as the leading and most professional manufacturer in China, has always been committed to innovation and new products development. TL-C01 series brushless centrifugal DC pump, which developed and successfully put into mass production in the first half of last year, warmly welcomed by most of customers from the first time launched. This product has been widely used in many industries, such as instant electric water heater, cleaning equipment, water purification and water treatment, water circulation cooling system, and so on. Previously, TL-C01 successfully expanded into the medical industry, is used in large quantities in the physiotherapy equipment. Recently, this customer visited Topsflo, and negotiated about the further cooperation.
July 5th, the customer John from America visited Topsflo, the main purpose is to visit the factory equipment, production processes, product quality control, and talking about the subsequent long-term and stable cooperation. They started to test the C01 pumps from last May, and very satisfied with their performance. This May, they officially confirmed using Topsflo C01 pump into their device after up to a year of testing and validation, and will be put into batch production soon.
Customer says there are three main reasons to choose Topsflo:
1. The most important is the good product design, innovation, unique, the performance and parameters are suitable for their use.
2. High quality, ISO9001 certificate, the strict quality control system let them rest assured.
3. Professional and timely service, to confirm customer’s problem been feedback in the first time and to communicate effectively, and then can be solved quickly.
These three points also reflect Topsfo’s values very well: love, achievement, concentration,innovation. Innovation is the soul of an enterprise, it’s the guarantee of the sustainable development of enterprise. Concentration on the high quality. Love and good service to customers. All of these lead to Topsflo to be a successful leader of DC micro pump industry.